The Essence of Prayer Boards
Let us get our priorities right!

Every beginning of year, we all sit down and draft resolutions and vision boards for whatever it is that we hope to achieve during the year. This can be cutting each other off, getting rid of toxicity, prioritizing and loving oneself, career development and so many other things culture inspires us to focus on. And, this is all good. Trust me, I do not have anything against this concept, in fact, the next blog post is going to be on Vision Boards. However, as a child of God called to ministry, I would be doing an injustice to the very Kingdom I am serving if we don’t talk about spiritual prioritization.
Through out scripture, God makes it very clear that we are here for the Kingdom, to manifest heaven on earth. Scripture says we are called not according to our works but according to God’s purpose and grace. By definition, purpose is the reason for which something exists. This implies that even for this very season of 2023 that you are stepping into, there already exists an outline of how things are going to go with you. Yes, we do have the option of choice and defining our own priorities but why work against the currents? Why not just align yourself with the flow of God’s purpose for your very existence? Why not invite God, your creator, and shepherd into your planning process? Extending an invitation to God into your plans before the fact is a posture of surrender and that alone invitation enough for the will of God to manifest in your life.

Now, I know a lot of us Christians, myself included tend to invite God into “our” plans. Lord, I want this, if only you could make it happen in this way Lord, and at this particular time. But come now, God is not a wishing well that you just throw coins at, and expect Him to work some magic according to your demands. We need to put some respect to God’s name. God is the creator of the universe, the King of Kings, almighty, and all-knowing. He is the God who stood before time and will be standing when it has all been said and done. He describes himself as the river that flows in the desert, the way in the wilderness, the Restorer, the Saviour, the one who holds everything in His hands.
This is the God who spoke the world into existence and says in scripture that all is done for His name’s sake. One thing about this God, dearies, He does not support or sustain what He did not commission. Apostle Paul in his many letters to the early church reiterates the importance of obedience for those that are in Christ Jesus. In almost the same way, he iterates that it is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ that we are saved so we can serve God’s will. In the first chapter of Galatians, he explains how our lives are already set and how this plan is executed through salvation by grace in God’s own timing. This is evidence brethren that we ought to take a posture of submission and invite God’s will into our planning.
Even this season of 2023 is already set, God is always clear on His will as evidenced by how He says to his Ministers in scripture that before He formed, before He called, He already knew. How then can we plan for success without inviting the will of God into our lives? As a child of God who is to be guided by the truth that is God’s very word, you are being reminded this moment that the faith walk is not about you inviting God into “your” plans but rather surrendering yourself to the plans and will of God. Salvation is not for selfish desires and purpose rather it is about service. In one of the passages of the gospel of Luke, Jesus tells of the importance of the right foundations. 2023 is not a season for you to build your life on sinking sands. Rather, is an opportunity for you to surrender to the will of God by inviting Christ to be the rock upon which your 2023 vision and plans are built.

It is time to prioritize what and how we are showing up in our relationship with God. Prioritize hearing God’s voice, pursuing the knowledge of Him, and serving in the kingdom. God described David as a man after his own heart. For so long I assumed that this meant God loved David above everyone else. Indeed, there may be an element of truth to this, God did love David, the evidence is just overwhelming. However, David was a man after God’s own heart because He loved God and was intentional about moving God’s heart, he literally chased after God’s heart by living in obedience, spending some good old quality time in his presence, and putting Him before anything else. To me, this is the very essence of prayer boards as an enabler of consistency and intentionality in one’s walk with God.
May this be your testimony in this year 2023, that you chased after God’s heart and God met you at the altar, transformed your inner man, and blessed you in ways that only heaven could. May your life be the evidence of God’s glory on the earth through the manifestation of heaven and His will for your life. Start on that prayer board before you start on the vision board or the resolutions. A prayer board is simply a collage of prayer points and scriptures that gives a visual representation of what you are praying for. One certain thing is there is power in outlining by writing things down. Outlines are guides and enablers of consistency and intentionality.

God says if we ever call on Him, He will come down from heaven and reveal the hidden things of this world. Paul says he is a minister by revelation, God showed him things that directed him and enabled him to fulfil his calling. Write down what God said in scripture and how the revelation of his His will for your life will enable you to fulfil it the same way Paul could. There are so many ways to go about all this, the story of Paul is but just an example of how the revelation of will empowered a man to built the biggest ministry known to the Christian faith.
I know living in the social media era can exert a lot of pressure on us all. Pressure to please, for likes, approval, and validation by peers. However, remember this is about you and God, it’s ok to start where you are at, and your board does not need to be anything out of this world. However, if aesthetics matter to you that much and you would love to share your journey with your circle of family and friends or anyone God is calling you to. You can always evolve through the months and years into the perfect board maker if there is such a thing. It really doesn’t have to be perfect right now and also, DIYs are a trend too.
This is an opportunity to spend time in the word, in prayer, and a position of surrender. May God’s light shine upon you as you embark on this journey, and may you have access to all the support you are going to need.

Happy 2023!!! God’s hand rest upon you.