But what’s your But?

The Bible tells of a story of a man by whom God did so much for his nation. He is described as a mighty man of valor, best expressed by three distinct characteristics: strength, courage, and passion. In the book of Judges, this is described as the empowerment of men by God to do what may seem impossible. The 5th chapter of the 2nd book of Kings is opened by revelations and descriptions of a man who was great in all men’s eyes, whom God had opened the hearts of men and kings toward because He had called and empowered him to be a mighty man of valor.
The opening of this story prepares the reader for an enticing recitation of a great and perfect man’s story but that’s not what 2 Kings 5 is about. It is a story of everyone’s but. By the end of the first verse, we are already introduced to Naaman’s but, pretty heart-breaking if you ask me. Underneath all this capacity and display of greatness, Naaman was a troubled and afflicted man.

Scripture says he was a leper, and he was so ashamed of it that he was hiding it under his armor. Very few people knew. If this isn’t the case for most of us. We are so caught up in our capabilities that we have abnormalized struggle and made it so alien that it’s intolerable to be great and human at the same time. What business do you have having a but when you are so talented and great we always say. Judging each other and even at times ourselves so harshly. Yet, the buts are what makes us human, this is evidenced by the story of every man God ever used in scripture, they all had their shortcomings.
Scripture says that it is in our weaknesses that God’s strength is revealed and by the end of Naaman’s story we are left in awe of how God navigates and rearranges the pieces of our lives for His name’s sake. This is not only a story of how one can be gifted, called, and empowered into fulfilling the will of God but also a revelation of how God like He also did with Gideon He will qualify whoever He wants to fulfill His purpose on this earth. With your imperfections and flaws, God can still call and empower you to do exceedingly well in one area of your life while you are struggling in another. Scripture says by Naaman God gave Syria so many victories, but he was a leper. Your but can not stop God. What is only left is for you like Naaman to step into alignment with God’s will and make the most of the power and gifts He has given you so you can do what you are here to do anyways.

Though culture may say ignorance is bliss, one passage of scripture says God’s people fail for lack of knowledge. And the word of God is an absolute truth that has held since the beginning of time, and it will not change now. Knowledge about oneself is very critical to spiritual growth and personal development. You can never address what you lack the knowledge nor understanding of, as scripture says, if you attempt this, the only outcome here is death. This can be the death of potential and capacity by shying away from experiences because of fear. Fear of judgment or shame. But from Naaman, we learn that though his initial way of dealing with his issues wasn’t the best, the fact that he had self-awareness made the difference. It enabled him to think of covering up so He could show up and fulfill God’s purpose in Syria through him.
Apostle Paul in one passage of scripture talks about how we ought to be mindful of the enemy’s schemes because though we may be ignorant of our weaknesses the devil is not and he is in the habit of twisting the truth and using it against our minds. In the sixth chapter of the letter to the Ephesians, the bible says always make it a point that you put on your helmet of salvation. That is always be mindful of the fact that the mystery of the gospel of Christ the hope of glory in our lives has been revealed to us. Not because we earned it or deserved it but because God is a God of steadfast love and “He so loved the world”. Self-awareness coupled with the knowledge of God is a very powerful tool for purpose fulfillment and if God’s purpose is not fulfilled then what is the point of our lives anyway?

In self-awareness and unknowing obedience Naaman could do God’s purpose that by the time He was introduced to the knowledge of God, though through some failed expectations he received his breakthrough and was delivered from his leprosy. Maybe your deliverance is in acknowledging your buts and still stubbornly choosing to walk in alignment with God’s will for your life. Your buts do not disqualify you or make you less than before God rather they are an opportunity to get closer to God or His knowledge like in the case of Naaman. Invite God into the areas of your weaknesses as you submit to His will and see if He will fail you. You too can be great as a mighty man of valor!