Where the Wild Things Are

Nature is one of my greatest loves, and I always say I guess that’s why my daddy named me Shirley, which literally translates to a bright meadow. The best of me is encountered when I am in the wild and I can safely vouch for Luke’s brother when he said, “You will love it out here where the wild things are.” I spent the last two weeks in the beautiful city of Gweru and anyone who has ever been knows, that there isn’t much a person as old as I am can do in that city. However, it’s not so gloomy as Gweru is home to one of Zimbabwe’s majestic wildlife reserves, Antelope Park.

I will not delve into the history of the park because this article is about the elephants. Yes, the big majestic creatures that are scary yet so adorable. Some say they can hold a grudge but I wouldn’t know about that because me and these creatures have a good thing going. So I must tell you, this wasn’t my first time at the park however, it was somewhat under the same circumstances. Journey of self-discovery, finding me, and all that. Both times, the park ate and left no crumbs and I can safely say, that place owes me nothing. I am a very satisfied visitor and I may visit again for the third time.

So, two things! The park is known for its elephants which are four at the moment, my fav being Amai. So modest, calm, and majestic that you can almost tell she is the matriarchy. As you may know, elephants are pretty matriarchal and Amai literally translates to “Mother” as she leads this herd. Her two girls are also quite calm but can be feisty and as a feisty one myself I must say I respect those two girls. They know what they are about and can command the respect that they deserve. She also has a boy and I say boy consciously because he acts like one. In his 30s but still acts like a fool most of the time so much so that he is kept away from tourists. One of the local gentlemen said, he is also on his journey of self-discovery and when you do think about it, maybe we should all just let him be because aren’t we all acting the fool most of the time?

Back to Amai and her girls, I love them because they always serve! On both occasions that I visited them, they gave me an experience of a lifetime. Each different from the other in its own ways but all the more worth it. One thing about this herd, like any other elephant herd, is if you respect them they will respect you right back. Pretty predictable if you ask me and if you are just there to have fun like I was, you have nothing to be scared of. On both occasions that I visited, I went with each of my best friends, complete opposites of me, all about safety while my philosophy is what’s life without risks. I was kissing and hugging on these creatures while they kept their safe distance. However, I must say I am proud of them for stretching themselves and testing their limits, my effect of course but their strength and courage.

Outside of the elephants, this park serves one of the best sunsets and views straight out of its cafe by the stream. If you ever decide to visit, do make time to pass through the cafe, they serve a mean burger on top of the views. You may also want to stretch across the stream bridge, the air is quite refreshing.