A Love so Selfless…
A few weeks ago I was talking to one of my best friends about love, life, and legacy. Amid that conversation, I had an epiphany about who I am as a person. Not so loving! Yes, I said it, not so loving. Don’t get me wrong, I love myself at least that’s the one thing I am certain of and I may be the only person that I have ever truly loved. Loved in the purest form of love. You are probably thinking, I must be so evil but just give me a moment to explain and ask yourself this. Are you a lover yourself? Well, you already know I…
Living for His Glory
The most human thing that we sometimes do is expect God to sustain our plans, be it they fit into His plans for this world or not. Sometimes we forget that we are the creation, and He is the creator. Therefore, if anyone is to submit to the plans of the other, it is us the creation, and not He, the creator. As the Oracle from The Matrix movies would say, we are all here to do what we are all here to do. Apostle Paul touches on this quite heavily when He introduces the concept of the Gospel of Election by Grace, a very sensitive subject and one that…
The Essence of Prayer Boards
Let us get our priorities right! Every beginning of year, we all sit down and draft resolutions and vision boards for whatever it is that we hope to achieve during the year. This can be cutting each other off, getting rid of toxicity, prioritizing and loving oneself, career development and so many other things culture inspires us to focus on. And, this is all good. Trust me, I do not have anything against this concept, in fact, the next blog post is going to be on Vision Boards. However, as a child of God called to ministry, I would be doing an injustice to the very Kingdom I am serving…